Labs and research equipment
The atomic force microscope (AFM), NTegra Prima from NT-MDT is a multifunctional device to perform the most typical tasks in the field of Scanning Probe Microscopy. The device can perform more than 40 measuring methods, which allows for analyzing the physical and chemical properties of the surface with high precision and resolution. The microscope is capable of performing unique Nanoscale Impedance Microscopy (NIM) studies.
Novocontrol Technologies - Broadband Dielectric and Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometers. Measurement possibilities include a temperature from -120 to 150 in a nitrogen atmosphere, from 100 to 800 in an air and nitrogen atmosphere, the voltage from 10 mV to 3 V rms and a frequency of 10 mHz to 1 MHz.
NOVA Touch LX2 surface area and pore size analyzer from Quantachrome. It is used to measure the BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) surface area, pore size distribution, and porosity of materials by analyzing gas adsorption and desorption. This instrument is ideal for studying porous materials, catalysts, and adsorbents, providing critical data for material characterization in research and industrial applications.
confocal microscope
A confocal laser scanning microscope, specifically the Olympus LEXT OLS4000, is used for high-resolution 3D surface measurement and imaging. This system allows for non-contact analysis of surfaces, providing precise measurements of roughness, step heights, and other topographical features at the micro and nanoscale. It is commonly used in materials science, semiconductor research, and surface metrology to analyze microstructures with high accuracy.
FFF 3D Printers
Fused filament fabrication (FFF), is an additive manufacturing process in which thermoplastic material in the form of wire is pushed through a heated nozzle and build object layer by layer in three axis X, Y and Z. The resolution of the single layer can be 0.1 mm. Available 3D printers: Prusa Mk3S+ with MMU2S module, Prusa Mk4 Multitool Zmorph Fab Makerbot Method
An ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectroscopy) system. ICP-OES is used to analyze the elemental composition of samples by exciting atoms using an inductively coupled plasma and measuring the emitted light at specific wavelengths. It is widely applied in environmental testing, materials analysis, and quality control in industries such as metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, and food safety, providing high precision and sensitivity in detecting trace elements.
Polishing machine
The Metkon DIGIPREP 251 polishing machine, is used for the preparation of metallographic samples. It is designed for grinding, polishing, and preparing the surface of materials before microscopic or other analytical examination. This type of equipment is essential in material science and metallurgy for obtaining smooth, scratch-free surfaces, allowing for accurate structural and compositional analysis of materials.
Potentiostats / Galvanostats
Potentiostats are electronic instruments required to control a three-electrode cell and run most electroanalytical experiments. It is a useful tool in electrochemical and corrosion studies. Possible measurement techniques: potentiometric, coulometric, amperometric, voltammetric and impedimetric. Available Potentiostats / Galvanostats: All potentiostats are equipped with FRA module. Autolab 302N (with bipotentiostat module) Biologic VSP-300 Gamry reference 600+
Raman microscope
The Raman microscope, from the HORIBA integrated with an Olympus microscope. Raman spectroscopy is widely applied in material science, chemistry, and biology for characterizing molecular structures, identifying chemical compounds, and studying crystal structures or nanomaterials. It allows for non-destructive analysis of samples at a microscopic scale.
SECM is a modular system designed to detect local electrochemical events. It can be expanded with Shearforce, High-Resolution, and Photoelectrochemistry modules to enhance functionality. SECM is versatile and supports various applications, including electrochemical imaging, surface reactivity studies, and local electrochemical measurements like electrodeposition, modification, catalysis, corrosion science, and nanotechnology.
Quanta FEG 250 from FEI is a multifunctional microscope operating a Schottky field emission gun. The microscope is capable of high-vacuum and environmental analyses, utilizing secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered electron (BSE) modes. The spatial resolution is down to 0.8 nm. The samples may be pre-treated by gold magnetron sputtering. The microscope is equipped with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscope (EDX) from Ametek EDAX allowing to carry out simultaneous chemical composition studies.
SLS 3D Printers
Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a 3D printing technology hat uses a high-power laser to sinter small particles of polymer powder into a solid structure based on a 3D model. The resolution of single layer is 0.075 – 0.175 mm. Compatible materials: PA12 ( and its composites) , PA11 (and its composites), PP, Flexa Performance. Available 3D printer: Lisa X Detailed information on Sinterit website:
Thermogravimetric Analysis
A TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis) instruments from NETZSCH. TGA is used to measure changes in a material's mass as it is heated, cooled, or held at a constant temperature. It is commonly applied in studying thermal stability, decomposition, oxidation, and moisture content of materials. These instruments are widely used in fields such as polymers, pharmaceuticals, and materials science to understand a material's thermal behaviour under controlled atmospheres.
UV-Vis spectrophotometer
A UV-Vis spectrophotometer, from the PerkinElmer Lambda 365+. This instrument is used to measure the absorbance and transmittance of samples in the ultraviolet and visible light ranges, from 190 nm to 1100 nm. It is commonly applied in chemistry, biochemistry, and material science for analyzing the concentration of compounds, studying reaction kinetics, and characterizing materials based on their optical properties.